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Captures of Popillia japonica in Lombardy Region (years 2021-2024)

Captures of Popillia japonica in Lombardy Region - 2024

In this page the update of Popillia japonica captures in Lombardy Region is available. For each trap the cumulative number of captured insects is reported from the end of May (see the attachments at the end of this page). In the figure at the top of the page the comparison among capture curves from 2021 to 2024 is available. 

Additional information on Popillia japonica are available at the following link (in Italian).

Map of Popillia japonica captures - update at June 26th

Documento PDF - 2,19 MB

Map of Popillia japonica captures - update at June 19th

Documento PDF - 2,19 MB

Map of Popillia japonica captures - update at June 12nd

Documento PDF - 2,1 MB

Map of Popillia japonica captures - update at June 5th

Documento PDF - 1,73 MB